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Music + Yoga Sessions

I have experienced first hand how my yoga practice has positively impacted my practice in music, and how my practice in music has in many ways become a practice in yoga. Through these music + yoga sessions, I will work with you to share the holistic benefits of both of these practices to suit your individual musical skill level, experience in yoga practice, and intentions for our time together. Read below for just a few examples of how these sessions may work for you. 

If you would like to connect and schedule a complimentary introductory session, click here.

music + yoga for...

The Experienced Musician


A post-secondary music student or professional musician may choose to explore these sessions if they are interested in:

  • finding more freedom in movement

  • deepening their connection to the body while using their instrument

  • building awareness of how they energetically respond to rehearsal or performance

  • experience music-making in a non-outcome-based environment while developing tools for self-compassion and non-judgement.

music + yoga for...

The Total Beginner

Believe me: you can create music, and you can do so freely and easily with the help of some accessible tools and guidance (that's where I come in!). These sessions will meet you where you are, whether you used to play an instrument years ago and have lost connection with that version of yourself or if you have never touched an instrument before. We will explore a variety of yoga and mindfulness practices to ease into the experience of music-making from a creative, experiential point of view.


music + yoga for...



Teenagers are often learning through outcome- and product-based activities and academic structures. While these structures may prove to be appropriate for many facets of learning, I believe there is immense value in teens engaging in non-outcome-based practices.

These sessions will encourage teens to connect to themselves as individuals, practice skills in empathy and compassion, and experience music-making as both a medium to appreciate their innate creativity and a modality for self-expression

music + yoga for...

The Lifelong Learner

If you love music, are interested in exploring a yoga practice, and curious about how these two practices can impact your self-inquiry, self-expression, and creativity, send me a message.

All you really need is an open mind and a willingness to learn.


Thanks for submitting!

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